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Piping Links


Bagpipe Journey


Andrew Lenz's big huge website, full of all sorts of useful and entertaining piping information.

Bagpipe Tuning


A "long-winded explanation on how bagpipes are tuned". This is helpful if you are already a musician and have questions about how bagpipes tune compared to other instruments.

Kinnaird Bagpipes & Reeds

- An excellent drone reed manufacturer! They also make piping accessories.

Henderson Imports


An excellent Highland supplier!

J. Higgins, Ltd.

- A Kansas based supplier.

The British Shop

- Another excellent supplier.

Aberdeen Bagpipe Supply

- Highland supplier.

Tartan Town

- A Canadian Highland supplier.

The Scottish Piper


An excellent highland supplier in St. Louis, Missouri.

Drumming Links


Highland Drumming

- A great website by Mark Humphrey, who is a very accomplished drumming instructor.

Davis Drums

- Another excellent website all to do with Highland Drumming by Cliff Davis.



Dancing Links



- British Association of Teachers of Dance Website.


- Oversight body of U.S. Highland Dance teachers and Judges.

Highland X Press

- Everything a dancer may need, plus authentic Scottish imports and novelties.

Highland Island

- Good site for music, shoes, gifts and competition information - more dance focused.

General Information

- A one-stop portal to everything having to do with piping on the web. Check out the forums.

The Bagpipe Web Directory

- The mega piping website on the internet. Over 3000 updated links to everything under the sun related to bagpipes. Created by our friend Bob Dunsire. A great place to do research, answer questions, or just have fun.

Piper's Dictionary

- By Andrew Lenz. This is a great place to go when you run into a piping word or phrase that confuses the heck out of you. It's also fun just to browse. Pipers say the darndest things!

Fun Stuff

- The latest, coolest multimedia site for piping and Celtic music. Piping radio, mp3 downloads and more.

Bob Dunsire's Piping Forum

- A family-friendly online forum for fun, intelligent and informative conversation about pipes, drums, etc.

The Bagpipes go to the movies

- Good fun.

How to become a rotten piper

- By Andrew Lenz. This article is poking fun at all the things that pipers can do to really mess up their playing. Please read this with a sense of humor.
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